Friday, June 15, 2012
A mini celebrate for bao on the 14th June. Dearest and I brought her to Suntec's Kuishinbo for a feast! Dont be shock when you saw the pictures of varieties of foods. I hope she enjoy herself on that day though it's just a meal. Have a good year ahead, we love you! (:
[12:50 AM]
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Suffocating with work load, Goodnight peeps! #Bareface #JUNE
Will be back with lots of birthdays info.
[1:22 AM]
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A day with Baby Aden and Bi @ IKEA, TADA....
Heart warming photos taken with baby aden and bi. How I wish he's our baby. Frankly speaking, I never thought of having babies in my life as I'm not ready to have any commitments and "never want to". I'm a person who needs freedom and flexible time for myself. Even though babies are cute but we really have to get them discipline. I might be alil exaggerated because my expectation for my future child is pretty high (though I'm not very smart) , HAHAH! I just want he or she to become a really good person. (I know everyone wished to ^^ ). I know it's too young to decide my future but these are my current "selfish" thoughts. Hoping that my future half will respect and understand my decision for not having a child in my life. I'll gain a lots of freedom but not the process of being a mom.
SERIOUSLY these are only my current thoughts ...., one day I might be a young/old MAMA!
Take a look at his YAN DAO face!
[3:00 AM]